On 16th February, 2016 in Hanoi, The Union of The Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, in association with The Department of Fine Art, Photography and Exhibition organized art exhibition
“Welcome Binh Than 2016”, to send to art loving residents of the capital wishes for a new year with the works of fine art and photography to welcome a new spring season with much aspiration.
The exhibition displays 42 works including 21 art works and 19 photographs of 15 artists. Each work represents the author’s feelings about the beauty of nature, life, country and people of
Viet Nam. Viewers can feel the change of daily life to become fresher with the hope for a new year of peace, prosperity and happiness.
The displayed works at this time have been contributed by many artists such as Vi Kien Thanh, Ma The Anh, Ngo Quang Duong, Dinh Minh Dong, Do vu Ngoc Trang, Hoanh Minh Duc, Tran Kim Thoa,
Nguyen Phu Quy, Pham Ha Hai, Phung Quang Luyen, Pham Cao Son… the artists work at many different majors but with the passion for art and the enthusiasm, they has often invest a lot of time in
composing, and introducing works to assert their position in art field.