Artist Thanh Ha – Vietnamese Watercolor Paintings – Nguyen Art Gallery

Artist Thanh Ha Nguyen Art Gallery

Born in 1981, artist Thanh Ha has traveled a long way before returning to her passion for painting. Having graduated from the HA University of Mining and Geology and worked for many years at the Petroleum Institute, the decision to turn to painting has led her into a world of vibrant colors, where she can truly live and create in her own way.

Her paintings stand out with bright, vibrant colors, reflecting the joy and optimism she brings to each work. For her, every detail is meticulously sketched, each color is not only a means of expression but also a way to tell stories about strong emotions and joys from life.

Highlight Artworks of Thanh Ha

Thanh Ha

Graceful Beauty

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 38cm*56cm | 15 inches*22 inches

Thanh Ha

Wisdom in Bloom

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 56cm*38cm | 22 inches*15 inches

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 38cm*53cm | 15 inches*20.9 inches

Thanh Ha


ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 53cm*38cm | 20.9 inches*15 inches

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 56cm*75cm | 22 inches*29.5 inches

Thanh Ha

Peach Rose

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 38cm*55cm | 15 inches*21.7 inches

Thanh Ha

Cherry Blossom

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 56cm*38cm | 22 inches*15 inches

ARTIST: Thanh Ha
MATERIAL: Watercolor on paper
SIZE: 56cm*38cm | 22 inches*15 inches