Lam Xung

Size: 120cm*240cm | 47.2 inches*94.5 inches
Material: Oil on Canvas

Ardent Flame IV

ARTIST: Lam Xung
MATERIAL: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 120cm*240cm | 47.2 inches*94.5 inches (3 Paintings Combined)

Luong Trung

Size: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Play Boy

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches

Luong Trung

Size: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Hidden Corner

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches

Luong Trung

Size: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

On The Ground

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches

Luong Trung

Size: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

The Side Walk

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches

Luong Trung

Size: 90cm*120cm | 35 inches*47 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Wedding Party

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 90cm*120cm | 35 inches*47 inches

Luong Trung

Size: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Hurry Meal

ARTIST: Luong Trung
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 120cm*160cm | 47 inches*63 inches

Lam Duc Manh

Size: 75cm*75cm | 29.5 inches*29.5 inches
Material: Oil on Canvas

Night Aroma

ARTIST: Lam Duc Manh
MATERIAL: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 75cm*75cm | 29.5 inches*29.5 inches

Nguyen Quang Vinh

Size: 80cm*80cm | 31 inches*31 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Love III

ARTIST: Nguyen Quang Vinh
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 80cm*80cm | 31 inches*31 inches

Nguyen Quang Vinh

Size: 80cm*80cm | 31 inches*31 inches
Material: Oil on canvas

Love I

ARTIST: Nguyen Quang Vinh
MATERIAL: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 80cm*80cm | 31 inches*31 inches