Exploring the “Dau Quang Anh Solo Exhibition” with Henry Le

Henry Le and artist Đậu Quang Anh

Henry Le (Le Xuan Huong) has shared his thoughtful reflections on his visit to The “Solo Exhibition” by artist Dau Quang Anh, providing a deeper and more detailed understanding of the exhibition and its artworks. The “Solo Exhibition” by artist Đậu Quang Anh, taking place from July 2 to July 7, 2024, at the Vietnam National Fine Arts Museum at 66 Nguyen Thai Hoc – Ba Dinh – Hanoi, offers a rich and immersive experience for art lovers.

Artist Đậu Quang Anh

Invitation Card for Henry Le

Henry Le spoke about how refreshing it was to see this exhibition of abstract art, particularly since it had been a long time since he had encountered such a comprehensive show. He was struck by how Quang Anh’s paintings manage to blend clarity with harmony. The way cool and warm colors interact, along with the carefully balanced spaces, creates a rhythm that feels both dynamic and soothing. Henry Le noted that these artworks are more than just visual pieces, they are engaging and have a powerful presence that captures and holds the viewer’s attention.

Some paintings at the artist's exhibition

Henry Le was particularly impressed by the floating shapes and assertive brushstrokes in Quang Anh’s work. These elements reflect the artist’s impressive skill, extensive experience, and strong, consistent work ethic. Some of Quang Anh’s paintings clearly depict landscapes with a bold and free approach, while others encourage viewers to engage in deeper thought. This blend of clarity and ambiguity is a defining feature of Quang Anh’s style, creating a unique artistic space that is both specific and open to interpretation.

Henry Le also observed that, although each painting in the exhibition had its own distinct style and story, there was a noticeable connection between them. This strong, unified style allowed viewers to appreciate the cohesive artistic vision of Quang Anh, even as each piece brought something unique to the table. The exhibition as a whole offered a sense of continuity and harmony, showcasing Quang Anh’s distinct and consistent artistic voice.

Some works at the artist's exhibition

Towards the end of the exhibition, Henry Le’s emotional response shifted as he viewed portraits of several prominent global figures. These included President Ho Chi Minh, a youthful Queen Elizabeth, Boris Yeltsin, and other past G20 leaders. The portraits were not just simple depictions but were rendered with a high level of skill and precision, reflecting Quang Anh’s exceptional ability in academic portraiture.

Portrait of President Hồ Chí Minh at the Exhibition

Henry Le noted that while he admired the technical excellence of these portraits, he personally prefers portraits that are more colorful and expressive. Nevertheless, he recognized the value of these works and felt that the exhibition was highly worthwhile. He emphasized that the paintings are valuable and worth seeing. Overall, Henry Le had a thoroughly enjoyable and enriching experience at the exhibition, finding it to be a deeply satisfying exploration of Quang Anh’s art.