Special Exhibition “Quarter” – Artist Pham Hoang Minh | Nguyen Art Gallery

Special Exhibition "Quarter" - Artist Pham Hoang Minh Nguyen Art Gallery

Hanoi, the thousand-year-old capital of Vietnam, is a city full of history and culture, inspiring many poets, writers, and artists. With its busy 36 ancient streets, Hanoi is a beautiful mix of old traditions and modern life. This unique blend has captured the hearts of many, making Hanoi a constant source of inspiration for both poetry and painting. For many artists, the city is not just a place to live but a muse that touches their souls, inspiring them to create deeply emotional art.

Artist Pham Hoang Minh Nguyen Art Gallery

There is an artist  who has devoted all his love and passion to Hanoi, capturing the deep and intense emotions of the capital through each delicate brushstroke. That artist is Pham Hoang Minh, a highly talented artist who graduated  from the University of Industrial Fine Arts in 2000. From the very beginning of his artistic journey, he quickly established his name through works exhibited in many prestigious exhibitions both domestically and internationally. Since 2006, Pham Hoang Minh has become a close and long-term companion of Nguyen Art Gallery. His works are not only highly appreciated by experts but are also collected by ambassadors and international visitors to Vietnam.

Pham Hoang Minh’s paintings bring new life to Hanoi’s 36 streets, showing the city’s beauty in a special way. His unique style captures both the old charm and the lively modern spirit of the city. Through his skillful brushstrokes, he brings to life the moss-covered streets, where history seems to speak through the aged buildings. At the same time, he also shows the vibrant energy of Hanoi’s markets and the everyday life of its people. His work is not just about showing scenes; it’s about capturing the true spirit of Hanoi.

Special Exhibition "Quarter" - Artist Pham Hoang Minh Nguyen Art Gallery

The Art Appraiser Le Xuan Huong at Nguyen Art Gallery once said, “He paints the streets like breathing, like instinct. He is one of the most talented young painters who depict Hanoi.” This comment highlights Pham Hoang Minh’s deep connection to the city. His ability to portray Hanoi so authentically and with such emotion has made a lasting impression on those who see his work. His paintings particularly resonate with those who love Hanoi, reminding them of the city’s timeless beauty.

To honor the unique beauty of Hanoi through every street corner and road, Nguyen Art Gallery is proud to present the special exhibition “Quarter” by artist Pham Hoang Minh. This exhibition is more than just a display of paintings; it’s a chance to experience Hanoi through the eyes of an artist who has spent his life capturing its soul. Each piece in the collection shows Pham Hoang Minh’s deep love for Hanoi, expressed through the careful, yet powerful, brushstrokes that bring the city’s streets to life. Visitors to the exhibition will have a rare opportunity to see Hanoi in a new and inspiring way through the art of Pham Hoang Minh.



Venue: 4th Floor – Culture Avenue, Lotte Westlake, Tay Ho District, Hanoi
Time:  From September 20, 2024, to October 06, 2024
More details atHere

You can view the full collection here

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