Vietnam Artist Showcases Environ Paintings In Australia

Vietnam Artist Showcases Environ Paintings In Australia

An exhibit called “Human tree” by Vietnamese artist Nguyen Dinh Hien, which features environment-themed paintings and statues, is running in Melbourne, Australia until Dec 18.

The exhibit, going on at One Three Gallery, 13 Somerset, is part of the Melbourne City Council’s activities to aid Asian countries’ cultural development. Hien is the first Vietnamese artist ever to be chosen by the council and receives a US$10,000 fund.

Since May 2012, the council, in coordination with Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts University, has held Vietnamese – Australian exchanges and funded Asian artists. Hien along with several other Vietnamese colleagues applied, and his environment-themed collection was picked. The artist also successfully showcased the collection in Singapore in 2010.

Hien’s eight paintings and two small statues depict human faces and animals adorned with flowers and leaves and pure waterdrops, which are indicative of the harmony between humans and nature and send the message of environmental protection.

“I think my collection was picked mostly because its subject is suitable with the program theme. I’m hopeful that this exhibit will brighten the prospects for other local artists. As far as I know, the $10,000 funding is quite small compared to those for other projects. So Vietnamese artists shouldn’t hesitate to apply next time,” Hien shared prior to the exhibit.

Source : Tuoitrenews